Thursday, April 28, 2016

275 Little Ones

I updated the spreadsheet where I am keeping all the information families send me.  So far there are 275 Little Ones, representing 155 families and 51 of those families have had multiple losses. This is a heartbreaking number but I know there are many more Little Ones that need to be remembered.

I want to thank those of you who have shared your Little Ones with me so far.  I feel so honored and blessed to have been given something so sacred.  I know many of you are protective of your Little Ones life, legacy and memory.  Just know that your Little Ones are in safe hands with me.  I have never met you or your Little Ones but I love your Little Ones as my own.  I will make sure your Little Ones are respected, cherished, honored, loved and never be forgotten.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Facebook Group

I just started a Facebook Group for this project.  Here is the link in case any of you want to join. 

In The Beginning

As I said in the first post, this Remembering Our Little Ones (ROLO) Quilt was inspired by the loss of my 4 Angels (Micah at 24weeks in Feb 2014, Alison at 5w3d in May 2014 and twins Heidi and Noah at 7w6d in Aug 2015) and the loss of too- many other babies.  When this project came to me the first time, I had lost Alison 2 months before and Micah 5 months.  My Mother-In-Law was teaching me how to make a quilt.  I thought it would be a great way to help with my healing by making Micah and Allison each a baby blanket.

On the early morning of July 29, 2014, Heavenly Father sent me an overwhelming impression that I needed to make a quilt with as many names of babies lost during pregnancy and infancy that I could find. I spent 5 hours arguing with Him, fighting with Him and making as many excuses I could come up with on why I couldn't do this project.  Finally when all of that didn't make the impression budge, but in fact just made it stronger, I relented and told Heavenly Father that I would do this project.

I immediately announced this project to a Miscarriage, Stillborn and Infant Loss support forum I belong too and got an overwhelming response.  So many of the members begged me to add their Angel(s) to the quilt.  They also sent their deep gratitude that through this project, their babies will always be remembered.  In just a few short weeks, members sent me well over 200 names and information of their Little Ones that they wanted on the quilt.

My heart is filled with so many emotions when I think about these Little Ones.  My heart breaks when I think they left so much behind with the stopping of their little hearts.  They left so many grieving families that have to go on without them.  They left behind all the plans, dreams and futures their families had for them.  They left behind what they could have done for human kind and the world.

I then am in awe of what trust and treasure these families are giving to me and the world by sharing the legacy of their Angels.  As I read the information the families send me and enter it into my spreadsheet, as I pick out fabric and then work on their blocks, I grow to love these Little Ones and I feel them near.  They become my Little Ones and I want to do all I can to make sure they will always be remembered.      

My Story! My Wish!

Welcome everyone!!!  My name is Amber Bell and I first want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your Angel(s).  I understand the multitude of emotions this journey of loss creates in your heart and lives.

After wanting, praying, longing and aching to be a mother for longer then I could remember, I became pregnant on my husband's (Kendall) and I's 1st Wedding Anniversary.  We were SO EXCITED and made SO MANY plans.  Tragically, our son, Micah, was born still after his heart stopped beating at 24weeks on February 6, 2014 (2 days before my 34th birthday).  3 months later, I became pregnant again only to miscarry our daughter, Alison, at 5weeks3day on May 21, 2014.

Kendall and I took an entire year off from Trying To Conceive to see if we could figure out why we were losing our babies.  After many medical tests nothing was found.  We were given the green light to try again and we conceived during my 2nd cycle.  I began spotting then bleeding during week 5.  I received several ultrasounds that showed I was pregnant with twins.  Although the twins were measuring smaller then they should have, they both had strong heartbeats.  Then on August 8, 2015 tragically, I passed our daughter Heidi, at 7weeks6days.  I had an ultrasound the following morning that showed that our son, Noah, was still inside me, but his heart had stopped.  I was so devastated to learn that I had lost all 4 of our babies now.

More tests finally found that I have a Septate Uterus (a thick wall of bloodless tissue dividing my uterus into 2 sections).  A Septate Uterus causes early miscarriage if a baby (like Alison, Heidi and Noah) attaches to the wall because the baby will be unable to get the blood and nutrients needed to grow and live.  Septate Uterus can cause late term (like Micah) because the baby has less room to grow.  This deformity can easily be fixed with a simple, non invasive surgery with minimal recovery time. Although, it can be fixed, Kendall and I have decided that we a finished with Trying To Conceive and are working on growing our family through fostering and adoption.

Remembering Our Little Ones Quilt (ROLO Quilt) was inspired by the Little Ones I lost and the way too-many other babies lost between conception and their 1st birthday.  My wish for these quilts are that they will stand as a witness and a voice for the cause of Pregnancy And Infant Loss (PAIL).  Not only do the families and loved ones lose our babies and all of their future, we lose the ability to talk to others about our babies.  Losing a baby is a taboo subject and is not appropriate to talk about in public.  WE ARE MOTHERS!!!! WE ARE FATHERS!!!! WE ARE SIBLINGS!!!  WE ARE FAMILY!!!!  WE HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO LOVE, MISS, AND TALK ABOUT OUR BABIES!!! I pray that this project speaks out about PAIL so families in the future won't have to grieve, love and miss their Angels in silence.

The most important reason I am doing this project though is, is that I want these Little Ones to ALWAYS be celebrated and remembered!!!!  Every child, no matter how small or what age, deserves to be remembered.  These babies had beating hearts.  These babies lived, even if it was just in the womb.  Their life and legacy needs to carry on.          

Friday, April 1, 2016

Add your babies to our quilt!

To add your babies to our quilt, go to the "Submit Names" tab and add a comment with their info!  We will put as much or as little info as you want.

Progress Pics

The Progress Pics tabs is where we will post pictures of the finished squares, and eventually the finished quilts!!